

Please contact the Stockholm Swing All Stars if you are intrested in booking the band. At the moment we are planning a tour to Spain by the end of september 2016 and a tour in south of Sweden in two last weeks of october 2016. We are also playing in the Stockholm area this coming summer. Don´t hesitate to use the contact form to get in touch with us.



By |March 23rd, 2016|Categories: booking|

Click here or on the text below to view our stage plot in pdf-format (opens in new tab) SSAS stage plot 2017 pdf

Programtext för svenska arrangörer

By |March 21st, 2016|Categories: booking|

Nedan följer ett förslag på programtext för arrangörer i Sverige. Använd förslagsvis denna text eller utgå från den när ni skriver om bandet i ert program: Stockholm Swing All Stars spelar musik av de stora [...]